Principles of Scientific Management , features of planning , Objective of management

In the earlier days of the industrial revelation in the absence of an established theory off factory organisation factory owners managers relied on personal judgement in in attending to the problems they confirmed in the course of managing Bihar work this is what is is referred to as a rule of thumb managing factories by rule of thumb enabled them to handle the situation as they are close but suffered from the the limitation of a a trial and error approach for their experience to be emulated . it was important to know what what works and why why does it work . A need to follow an approachan that was based on the method of science defining a problem developing alternative solution anticipating consequences measuring progress and drawing conclusions.
In the scenario Taylor emerged as the father of scientific management .He proposed scientific management as opposed to rule of thumb . He broke up human activity into small parts and found out how it would be done effectively in less time and with increased productivity. It implies conducting business activities according to standardised Mani gana tools methods and trained personnel in order to to increase the output improve its quality and reduce cast and wastes.
In the words of Taylor , scientific management means knowing exactly what you want men to do and Seeing that they do it in the best and cheapest way . The Bethlehem Steel company where toiler himself worked achieved three fold increase in productivity by applications of scientific management principles therefore it would be in order to discuss these principles.
1) science not rule of Thumb : Taylor pioneered the introductions of the method of scientific enquiry into the domain of Management practice. We I have already referred to the limitation of the rule of thumb approach of Management as different managers would follow their indigenous rules of thumb it is but a statement of the obvious that all would not be equally effective . Taylor believe that there was only one best method to maximize efficiency method can be developed thought study and analysis the method so developed should substitute rule of thumb thought out the organisation scientific method involved 

Limitations of planning

Planning leads to rigidity:In and organisation a well defined plan is drawn up with specific goals to be achieved within a specific time frame. These plans then decide the future cross off action and managers may not be in a position to change it these kind of rigidity in plans may create difficulty. Managers need to be given some flexibility to be able to to cope with the changed circumstances.

Planning may not work in dynamic environment : The business environment is dynamic nothing is constant . The environment consist of a number of of dimension economic political physical legal and social dimension .The organisation has to constantly adapt itself to changes. It becomes difficult to to accurately assess future trends in the environment IIT economic policies are modified aur political conditions in the country are not stable or there is natural calamity

Planning reduce creativity: Planning is an activity which is done by the top level management .Usually the rest of the member just implements this plan .As a consequence middle management and other decision makers are neither allowed to to deviate from plans nor are permitted act on their own . Thus Much of the initiative or creativity inherent in them also gets lost or reduced.

Planning is a time consuming process: sometime plans to be drawn up take so much of time that there is no much time left for there implementation. 
Planning involves huge costs: when plans are drawn up huge cost are involved in their formulation. These may be in terms of time and money for example checking accuracy of facts may involve lot of time. Detailed plans required scientific calculation ascertain facts and figures. 


Management is a goal oriented process: An organization has a set of basic goal which are the basic reason for its existence. These should be simple and clearly stated .Different 
organizations have different goals. For example, the goal of a retail store may be to increase sales, but the goal of the spastics society of India is to impart education to children with special needs . Management unites the efforts of different individual in the organization towards achieving these goals.

Management is all pervasive: The activities involved in managing an enterprises are common to all organization whether economic, social or political. A petrol pumps needs to be managed as much as a hospital or a school . What managers do in India, the USA, Germany or Japan is the same . How they do it may be quite different. This difference is due to the difference in culture tradition and history .

Management is a continuous process: The process of management is a series of countinuous composite , but separate furnitures , (planning,organization,directing staffing and controlling).These function are simultaneously performanced by all management all the time. You may have observed that suhasini at fabmart perform several different tasks in a single day. Some days she may spend more time in planning a future exhibition and on another day she may soend time in sorting out an employee problem. The task of a manager consists of an ongoing series of function.

Management ia a group activity: An organisation is a collection of needs. Every member of the group has a different purpose for joining the organisation but as members of the organisation they work towards fulfilling the common organisational goal. This requires team work and coordination of individual effort in a common direction. 

Management is an intangible force: Management is an intangible force that cannot be felt in the way the organisation functions. The effect of management is noticeable in an organisation where targets are met according to plans, employees are happy and satisfied, and there is orderliness instead of chaos. 


Management seeks to achive certain objective which are the desired result of any activity. They must be derived from the basic purpose of the business. In any organisation there are different objective and management has to achive all manner. Objective can be classified into oranisational objective, social obective and personal or individual objectives.

Organisational Objectives: Management is responsible for setting and achiving objectives for the organisation. It has to achieve a variety of objectives in of all stakeholders including shareholders, employees , customers and the govrment . The main objective of any organisation should be to utilise human and material resources to the maximum possible advantage, i. e,. to fulfill the economic objective of a business. These are survival, profit and growth. 

Social Objectives: It involves the creation of benefit for society. As a part of society, every organisation whether it is business of non-business, has a social obligation to fulfill. This refers to consistently creating economic value for various constituents of society. This includes using environmental friendly methods of production, giving employment opportunities to the society and providing basic amenities like schools and creches to employees. 

Personal objectives: Organisations are made up of people who have different personalities, backgrounds, experiences and objective. Thay all become part of the organisation to satisfy their diverse needs. These vary from financial needs such as competitive salaries and perks, social needs such as peer recongnition and higher level needs such as personal growth and development. Management has to reconcile personal goals with organisational objectives for harmony in the organisation. 


Having understood that management is a universal activity that is integral to any organisation we now examine some of the reasons that have made management so important .

MANAGEMENT HELPS IN ACHIVING GROUP GOALS : Management is required not for itself but for achiving the goals of the organization. The task of a manager is to give a common direction to the individual effort in achieving the overall goal of the organisation. 

MANAGEMENT INCREASE EFFICIENCY :The air of manager is to reduce costs and increase productivity throught better planning ,organising ,directing,staffing and controlling the activities of the organisation.

MANAGEMENT CREATES A DYNAMIC ORGANISATION:All organisation have to function in an environment which is contantly changing. it is generally seen that indibiduals in an organisation resist change as it often mean moving from a familiar , secure environment into a newer and more challenging one . management helps people adapt to these changes so that the organisation is able to maintain its competitive edge. 

MANAGEMENT AS A SCINECE:S is a systematised body of knowledge that explain certain general truths or the operation of general laws . The basic feature of science are as follows.

SYSTEMATISED BODY OF KNOWLEDGE: Science is a systematic body of knowledge .its principles are based on a cause and effect realtionship .for example the phenomenon of an apple falling from a tree towards the ground is explained by the law of gravity.

PRINCIPALS BASED ON EXPERIMENTATION : Science principal are fist developed throught observation and then tested through repeated experimentation under controlled conditions. 

UNIVERSAL VALIDITY :Science principal have universal validity and application. 

Features of planning

The planning function of the management has certain special feature . These feature throw light on its nature and scope.

Planning focuses on achieving objects:
 Organisation set up with a general purpose in view. Specialgoals are set out the planes along with the activities to be undertaken to achieving the goals. Thus planning is purposeful. Planning has no meaning unless it contributes to the achievement of predetermined organisational goals.

Planning is a primary function of management:
    Planning lays down the best for other functions of Management A.other managerial function performed within the framework of the plants drawn . Thus planning procedes other function this is also referred to as the primacy of planning. The various function of management are are interrelated and equally important.

Planning is pervasive :
Planning is required at all level of management as well as in all departments of the organisations it is not and exclusive function of top management nor of any particular department. But the scope of planning difference at difference level and among different departments.

Planning is continuous:
  Plans are prepared for a specific period of time may be for a month , a quarter, or a year. At the end of the period there is needed for a new plan to be drawn on on the basis of new requirements and feature conditions. Hence planning is a continuous process continuously of planning related with planning cycle. 

Objective of management, features of management, Limitations of management, limitations of planning, features of planning, planning, objective of planning, management , features of management, important of management, important of planning, objective of planning, planning, 

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